Friday, October 19, 2012

Frida and Diego

What a wonderful exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario of the art of Frida Khalo and Diego Rivera. Leave lots of time to read the posted commentaries and appreciate some of the details in the paintings.
The sections of intricate and political murals by Diego and his other paintings glowing with colour were wonderful.

Most affecting for me, however, were Frida's paintings. Many of her paintings depict the pain she suffered from an early accident which affected her health throughout her life, and her subsequent  miscarriages.

Their's was a complicated relationship - hints of which are in many of the paintings.

 Their story becomes real as you view the many photographs taken of them through the years, including those taken after death, in their caskets.

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Art Appreciation

Painting can sometimes be a lonely activity. Discouragement can sometimes creep in and you wonder if you will ever paint anything worthwhile again. That is when being selected for a juried show by artists that you respect, can be a "shot in the arm".
I was pleased to have a painting accepted for the second time in the Toronto Watercolour Artists Exhibition. This particular abstract painting is one of a series of three and is called - "From Space".

Details of Exhibition:

There will be a wonderful selection of paintings in a very interesting setting.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Art on a Canadian Theme

As a promotional activity for the Fall Art Show and Sale of the North Toronto Group of Artists, an art exhibition titled Parallel Lines is on display at a Starbucks location for until the end of October. The address is 3250 Yonge St. at the corner of Brookdale Ave.
"Parallel lines" refers to the fact that all paintings are on canvas that is "30" x "10" and hung vertically. This is the third year of this exhibit and each year a different theme is chosen. It is fascinating to see 20 different intrepretations. This year the theme is "Canadian" - lots of fun and possibilities there. Here is my interpretation:

Canadian Blanket

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