Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wonderful Watercolours

Golden Artist Colors Inc., a company well-known for their acrylic paints, have produced a range of "modern" watercolours called QoR -  pronounced "core". The binder in these paints is different from other watercolours, and according to the company, it gives colour greater intensity and clarity. They offer a large range of colours, including three iridescents.

Four colour sets are available. Three have six colours and one has twelve, and are a good introduction to the watercolours.  I purchased the "High Chroma" set of six, which included Cobalt Teal, Green Gold, Quinacridone Gold, Transparent Pyrrole Orange, Quinacridone Magenta, and Dioxazine Purple. They are presented in the paint box below, which can serve as a small palette. The tubes are 5ml and unfortunately paint tended to ooze out of some of the tubes when opened.

I utilized my new paints on two impressionistic woodland scenes on terraskin.

Watercolours on terraskin, as a rule, tend to be more vibrant so it is difficult to asses the brilliance of QoR. What do you think? More later.

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