Monday, December 2, 2013

Vermeer, Music and Pounds of Pearls

I recently attended a film called "Vermeer and Music". This is an exhibition at the National Gallery in London, showcasing the  paintings of Vermeer which feature musical instruments. The paintings in the gallery are featured alongside some instruments of that period. The first link will allow you to view some of the paintings and instruments in the exhibition.

Follow this link for interesting information about Vermeer's painting techniques.

What interested me however, beyond the musical aspect of the paintings were the pearls.

Everyone is familiar with the Girl with a Pearl Earring, which has now been immortalized in paint, literature and film. Much has been said about the significance and meaning of the pearl earrings. They are thought to be a symbol of perfect beauty, and of virginity. It is even supposed that this is a servant and the earrings belonged to Vermeer's wife, or it is perhaps his daughter. The original title was "Girl with a Turban" and only
later was the title changed to focus on the pearl.
 Vermeer painted many women and many wore pearls - both necklaces and earrings. (None however as beautiful as "the girl".) I have cropped selected paintings to feature the jewellry.

Guitar Player

The Love Letter

The Concert

Woman with a Pear Necklace

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