Friday, January 30, 2015

Peter Doig and Me

I recently attended a workshop and presentation on the art of Peter Doig. He is a Scottish painter and being Scottish, I like to think we share the same artistic genes , however inactivated mine might be. He has spent time in Canada but now lives in Trinidad. He is one of the most renowned living figurative painters. His painting - "White Canoe", inspired by his time here, sold for $11.3 million.

Many Torontonians recognize his painting of our colourful rainbow tunnel in the Don Valley which sold at auction for $15.5.

 His magic realism and rather mystical figures and landscapes are interesting and create a narrative for the viewer. I am also attracted to his use of colour.

This painting is called "One Hundred Years Ago" and again employs the canoe image, but who is that woman?

"Walking Figure by Pool" leaves the viewers mind free to formulate many scenarios. The colours are pastel, yet rich.

My "brush" with Peter Doig has inspired me to try some mysterious, colourful paintings of my own. This painting is called "Swimmer" and is  a new attempt at an old watercolour that didn''t quite work. This one is acrylic on canvas. I feel I may continue this story with a few more paintings.
Comments please!

Someone once said: "What other people think of you is none of your business" and "Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does."

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