I have recently visited the exhibition - J.M.W. Turner: Painting Set Free - at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
One of the memorable and well-know paintings- Snow Storm - Steamboat off a Harbour is oil on canvas. Exciting as this painting is, I much preferred his luminous watercolours.
The Blue Rigi, Sunrise
( He did several variations of this image in Switzerland)
The Red Rigi
Nordham Castle,Sunrise (my favorite)
Fort Vimieux
Imagine my surprise when I saw a book advertised in an art journal claiming to help you "paint like Turner". Wow! Off to the public library for a copy of
How to Paint Like Turner, edited by Nicola Moorby and Ian Warrell and featuring the work of various artists.
This is a book well worth a look. The forward is by Rosalind Mallord Turner, his great-great niece and also a painter. It is an interesting introduction to Turner and provides practical information and demonstrations.
I found the book provided additional material on Turner which enhanced my appreciation of the exhibition I had just seen. I decided, however, that I wasn't ready to"Copy first the works of God, and then the works of Turner" as Edward Lear suggested.