Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hie Me to a Nunnery!

I am leaving abstraction for the moment and finishing two more realistic paintings started some time ago. These paintings are in watercolour, but I have also done some figurative paintings in acrylic.

I get very excited when I see the possibilities for paintings as I observe people in unique settings, doing unusual things or simply casting a clear light on the ordinary everyday. I am also very attracted to the idea of painting people that are "forgotten" in various ways.

The following paintings are not about “forgotten” people, but about nuns enjoying life.
It was so charming to watch a group of nuns in Rome winding there way down a busy street. The juxtaposition of the habit and the designer shopping bag drew my attention and amused me. What was in it?? Thus – “Blessings from Gucci.” The younger nun looks interested, while the more mature nun behind has an air of disapproval.
Blessings from Gucci

I originally thought of calling this painting “Free at Last”, but thought better of it. That does express the carefree feeling the painting is trying to recreate, however. This is a nun, spied wheeling along a path in a convent beside the St. Lawrence in Quebec City. Such fun to be a nun!

Nun A La Carte

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE the title of that last picture....brilliant!! :)